I Saw the NJ Mystery Drones!


NJ Drone

One night in December last year, I went out drone hunting

Unidentified car-sized drones were being reported over critical infrastructure, restricted airspace over military bases, and residential areas in New Jersey. These drones appeared to be fixed wing aircrafts that move slowly, make more nimble maneuvers than jets, have typical navigation lights, and disappear when police shine spotlights on them. They have been witnessed coming inland via the Jersey Shore. The Coast Guard reported being chased by drones and a witness reported 50 drones coming inland from the ocean. Similar reports have surfaced in the UK, Langley Air-force Base in Virginia, and so on since 2019.

In addition to all this, there have been reports of strangeness with these drones. Early on, people reported that the drones followed FBI agents to their houses, that cars power systems acted weird when the drones where nearby, that luminous orbs appeared to transform into drones and so on. The government response was baffling and contradictory and it seemed like the federal government disagreed with the local governments about the facts surrounding these events.

I live right next to the epicenter of the NJ Drone Flap and drones have been reported over my neighborhood. At the beginning, I wasn't that interested in this because the reports did not show any evidence that these drones were otherworldly in any way. But, as the hype started to build in December I realized that this was a good opportunity to experience a UFO Flap. Or at least a UFO-adjacent Flap. People were reacting these drones in the same way they did with UFOs and UAPs.

My NJ Mystery Drone Sighting

One Friday night, I started to get reports from Ring and Facebook that drones were showing up in Bristol and Levittown so I grabbed my low-light binoculars and drove down to that area. I had a FlightRadar24 open and loaded on my phone so I could tell which lights were potential drones and which lights were airplanes.

As I drove toward Bristol, I would see lights in the sky. White, red, green, bright, dim. Each time I saw something new in the sky I would pull over try to look it up on my apps. They turned out to be airplanes, planets, and a red light on top of a building. No drones. But, I was undeterred and continued on.

When I reached Bristol I immediately started seeing low flying crafts that had the expected green and red lights. They seemed to be airplanes but were flying low and making tighter turns than you would expect from an airplane. It was hard to get close to them because they outpaced my truck. They were hard to see and it was also hard to verify that they were not airplanes since I was on the road and didn't get a chance to stop.

I followed one all the way to Levittown where I found a place to safely park. Again, the lights appeared over a neighborhood across from the Acme parking lot on New Falls road. I pulled out my FlightRadar24 app and nothing appeared. So I pulled out my binoculars to get a better look but I was not able to make out many details other than the bright lights and some hints of a metallic frame. The craft flew parallel to New Falls road toward me and then made a slow 90 degree turn and headed toward the Oxford Valley Mall.

As the craft moved away my iPhone buzzed with a flurry of text messages. My sister was texting our family group that there were two drones above her house doing tight circles. She was trying to walk her dog but started to freak out. She tried to quickly take some videos but went inside. I related what I saw and my mom chimed in and begged everyone to go inside because she was afraid we might be under attack. I jumped back into my truck and headed back to Yardley to see if I could catch sight of those drones above my sister's neighborhood.

In the neighborhood across from my sister’s house, I parked at a field. The first set of lights I saw turned out to be an airplane from the Trenton airport. Other two sets of lights appeared to be approaching and I couldn't find these on my apps so I put my binoculars up for a closer look. As I focused on the object, all of its lights switched off. I couldn't see anything at all, it was as if the object had never been there. The hairs on the back on my neck stood straight up.

Excited, I texted my friend Greg who was also interested in these sightings. He seemed skeptical but ended up taking his kids out back to investigate. As I drove home, Greg also started texting me reports of seeing drones that did not appear in the FlightRadar24 app.

Before I got to my street I saw a set of lights flying close over the tree-line and so I changed course and tried to follow them. They appeared to be heading toward Shady Brook Farm. I managed to follow them for a few minutes before they slipped away over the trees.

As the first set slipped away, another set of lights flew past me in the opposite direction. These lights were over the houses and later on I was unable to find any record of aircrafts here. This could have been the same craft making the same pass or it could have been two. It was getting late at this point, so I headed back home. Greg was continuing to see drones.

Once I got home, I tried to process what we saw and rule out air traffic. When I reviewed the aircraft data, I could not find anything in the FlightRadar24 app that would verify that these were airplanes. I used the metadata from my camera to help figure this out.

The two details that matter the most here is the absence of these crafts from FlightRadar24 and the disappearing act that the drone I saw did. Later my sister would also report seeing one disappear and of course the NJ governor has made a similar claim. My sister, Greg, and myself all felt unsettled after observing these crafts.


My sightings are intriguing but don't necessarily count as strong proof of much. I believe that we all witnessed what the NJ people have been reporting, but I can't say for sure. Not really.

And I can't say what people are actually seeing. Basically, the claim is that we are witnessing small fixed wing aircrafts that appear to fly like drones and can remain aloft for hours at a time.

However, based on my experience I can tell you that judging what an object is, how far the object is, the objects attitude, or how fast the object is going is very difficult. Probably impossible without multiple points of view and equipment.

It would be almost impossible to distinguish a drone like this that was close from an airliner that is far away. More over, these fly out of sight so fast that it's hard to process what you are seeing. These drones appear in person just like they do in videos. Blurry indistinct lights.

No doubt that these just "feel off" and "look strange". They give off creepy vibes, but of course you can explain that as an effect of the mood we are in during this flap.

These remind me of the Phoenix, Belgium, and Hudson Lights. In UFO history, there have been these flaps of weird slow moving lights that drift over cities. This seems to be similar. I think that people these days are saying that they see drones, but other than the word people use there is not much to support the notion that these are actually drones as we know them.

What more strange is the reaction of the authorities. If I am to believe that local authorities and local military officials are truthfully reporting unknown drones in the sky and yet no information about them is produced and no actions are taken then there is a dilemma. Local officials on the ground are alarmed, yet federal officials don't seem concerned at all.

I see these options to explain this dilemma:

  • US Military assets on a secret mission
  • Foreign government assets and the federal government has no knowledge of them
  • Foreign government assets and the federal government is hiding information about them
  • FAA sanctioned projects that they just don't want to talk about
  • Operated by an Unknown Intelligence

None of the options truly makes any sense to me.

For a bit more context, it's worth pointing out that these drones have appeared since 2019 in the Midwest, the UK, Germany, and Langley Air-force base during a period of intense global tension and a transition of US power. Theories of Iranian, Russia, or Chinese origins have appeared in the media.


I've gone through quite a journey with this topic, initially I dismissed it entirely because the characteristics of these drones seemed to be similar to "bush planes". Bush planes are small, have standard navigation lights, and fly at about 100 MPH. However, once this started happening in the UK and NJ military bases it became more interesting. Once this started over New Jersey and over so many weeks it became more interesting.

The most mysterious part of this phenomenon has been the reaction of the government. People on the ground like local police, local military, and local politicians were all deeply concerned. Yet the federal government was not. Everything about this event tells me that either the FAA or the military authorities should be aware of these events. Yet they claimed not to be aware of anything and instead implied that New Jersey residents were overreacting.

Based on the government reaction and the fact that these aircrafts are behaving like small aircrafts and not alien spacecraft I believe this is part of a military operation. Most likely, this is a hostile foreign government spying. This likely happens in the other great power nations and it makes sense that the government doesn't want this information out to panic the public but they also know it's a routine part of government sparring. Similar to how governments put up with spies being based out of embassies they put up with this.

That's the best I can think of in an environment where most people have some kind of agenda and nothing we see can be trusted completely.